Study Trips, Field Trips and Excursions

As an employee, you will support your employer in implementing accident prevention and health protection provisions.
You will follow the approved safety rules and instructions of your employer in relation to occupational safety and health protection and report any deficits that could impair occupational safety and health protection.

The document Download?safety & Security Recommendations for Research Enterprises Abroad? (PDF, 124 KB) is available to simplify planning for excursions and research trips to destinations that are potentially high-risk. There is also a Downloaddirective (PDF, 84 KB) on excursions with students in the context of courses. Please also note when travelling abroad that an export control check can be required if you are taking material with you. This is to ensure that no official export license for the export of the ma-terial is required. Even carrying a laptop may require an export license, insofar as it contains un-published results from applied research that are intended for exchange. If you have any questions, please contact the protected pageExport Control Office of ETH.

Contact national trips:
Kontakt international trips:
Contact Travel insucrance: Risk management/Insurance
Contract Export Compliance:

Members of ETH Zurich are sometimes exposed to particular risks of infection or contagion in the course of their research work, during field trials or on excursions, which can be reduced by a Downloadvaccination (PDF, 133 KB). ETH Zurich bears the costs for the vaccination of its employees who require a special vaccination due to their professional activity at ETH Zurich. The units concerned (chairs, institutes and other organisational units) pay for these costs. Students usually pay for the costs of vaccinations themselves.

For advice regarding vaccinations and receiving vaccinations, you can either contact the external pageTravel Clinic of the University of Zurich or external pagethe Centre for Occupational Medicine, Ergonomics and Hygiene (AEH).

One of the special vaccinations for which information is most frequently sought is the vaccination against tick-borne disease: information on tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and the vaccination itself can be obtained from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) external page?Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)?.



People who work outdoors have more exposure to the sun and thus to carcinogenic ultraviolet radiation than people who work indoors. The radiation exposure varies depending on the activity. Protective measures against UV radiation are necessary when working outdoors. It should be noted that technical measures, such as the use of sun sails, and organisational solutions are a priority here, for example, shifting work to times with lower UV exposure, i.e. early morning or late afternoon. If these measures are not sufficient or cannot be implemented, clothing covering the body and head protection must be worn. As a last resort, if no other protection is possible, sunscreens with a high sun protection factor are to be used.

Please note: in summer, protection is necessary even if you only spend a few minutes outdoors. Long-term skin damage can occur even without sunburn, and not only at work but also during leisure time.

Your work at ETH Zurich regularly involves time spent in the mountains, you are a gardener or regularly work outdoors and want to know how to sufficiently protect yourself against UV rays? Contact us.



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